Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Marigalante Pirate Ship

One night we took in a dinner and show on the Marigalante. Here is a little history of the ship. Marigalante is a Santa Maria replica, the ship used by Christopher Columbus when he discovered America. “The Pirate Ship”, as all the tourists call it, has sailed the seven seas. The world-wide voyages of the Marigalante began in 1987 when she visited Miami, Bermuda, Spain, Brazil, Panama, Hawaii and Japan, finally settling in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Today, this impressive ship has become a symbol of Puerto Vallarta, and its picture is known around the world.
The night began with a preshow of dancing by all the women on the ship and a contest between 3 women. A woman from Canada, Mexico and USA and can you guess who was chosen as Ms.USA............our Jennifer. It was a three part contest which included Jen being put into the stocks were she had to sing La Cucaracha with a piece of ice between her teeth, she had to be the first to put on a poncho and sombrero, and last part she had to dance for Aaron. Jen did a great job and all three women ended up winning a tee shirt. Then we had dinner were we could choose from either steak and shrimp, fish, or chicken. Unfortunately Jen got sea sick and wasn't able to eat her dinner. Luckily they gave her some Dramamine and after some fresh air she felt as good as new. The show was after dinner and a few fight scenes and fireworks later we were on our way back to the marina.